Hi Dan,
Thanks for your message! 😊
I haven't been using the Alpha website to create images yet, but I took some time to explore it in order to answer your questions. Here are my responses to your two questions:
1. Yes, that's correct. If you want to paste more than one reference image link, you need to type `--sref` again and then post the link.
2. Through my exploration, it seems there's currently no way to add a reference image weight `::` to individual reference images. However, for `--sw`, since it refers to the overall reference style weight and not an individual image, you can include that in your prompt.
I hope these answers help!
Thank you for your support of my articles! I have just published a secret hack about Style References titled <🎨 “Color Palette Prompting”: My Secret Hack for MidJourney’s “Style References” Feature>, which might interest you!
Best regards,
Bee Lee